Commentary Archive
Diablo III Review: Hardcore Down
Posted on July 24, 2012 | No CommentsTWO WEEKS after Diablo III was released, I’d completed the game on Nightmare and was midway through Act III on Hardcore when my gaming PC suffered a catastrophic meltdown. I […] -
E3 2012: Nintendo, Wii U and Pikmin
Posted on June 5, 2012 | No CommentsYesterday, I was lamenting how bad the presenters at these E3 conferences have been. As if to punctuate that point, Nintendo’s Tuesday morning presentation was both consistently awkward and entirely […] -
E3 2012: Sony Checks In
Posted on June 4, 2012 | No CommentsFor the first few minutes of the Sony press conference tonight, I thought they might blow everyone else out of the water. But partway through, it felt like the presentation […] -
E3 2012: EA Keeps It Rolling
Posted on June 4, 2012 | No CommentsOf all the various E3 conferences, I like EA’s current format the best: game, game, game. Every title may not be spectacular, but in recent years EA has streamlined their […] -
E3 2012: Microsoft Treads Water
Posted on June 4, 2012 | No CommentsAm I just getting too old and jaded to get excited by new videogames, or are the games simply less impressive? In the case of Microsoft’s E3 2012 press conference, […] -
Tiger Woods Hurricane Simulator 2013
Posted on May 31, 2012 | No CommentsI DEBATED what to call this post, because there are two key headlines for this year’s Tiger Woods game. One is a focus on microtransactions so obnoxious it’s often hard […] -
WoW v4.3: Fixing LFR Loot
Posted on December 15, 2011 | No CommentsI STARTED WRITING A POST about this a few days ago, since which time Blizzard added a small hotfix to how loot is distributed via the new Looking For Raid […] -
WoW v4.3: One Week Later
Posted on December 6, 2011 | No CommentsI WASN’T INITIALLY OVERWHELMED with WoW’s 4.3 patch, released one week ago today. But as I’ve been playing through the new Hour of Twilight dungeons and Dragon Soul raid, I […] -
WoW v4.3: Patch Day and a Look Back
Posted on November 29, 2011 | No CommentsTODAY IS AN UNOFFICIAL HOLIDAY for WoW players: the release of the v4.3 “Deathwing” patch. There’s a fair amount of cool stuff in this patch: the new “Dragon Soul” raid; […] -
Diablo III: Beta Impressions
Posted on November 16, 2011 | No CommentsIT’S HARD TO BELIEVE it’s been over a decade since Diablo II came out. How is that possible? I remember so many nights at the GameSpy offices where we had […]